lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013

Ficha de arte Parlamento de Londres (Claude Monet)

89cm x 93cm. Oil on canvas.
Unreal and ghostly silhouette, the parliament emerges as an apparition. The stone architecture seems to have lost all consistency. Sky and water are painted with the same colors, dominated by mauve and orange. The brushwork is systematically fragmented into multiple colored stains to show the density of the atmosphere and haze. Paradoxically, these impalpable elements become more tangible than the evanescent and dissolved in the shade building.

Monet, who had already visited London between 1870 and 1871, made a first stay in that city in September 1899. He stayed at the Savoy Hotel, which has one open view towards the Thames and south of the city. It was during his second stint that began painting the Palace of Westminster seen from Saint Thomas Hospital when the evening ended. The first canvases were performed in situ, but continued in France

Ficha de arte El taller del pintor (Courbet)

It´s a paint by French painter Gustave Courbet. It is done in oil on canvas. It measures 359 cm high and 598 cm wide.
Courbet detailed the characteristics in a letter dated December 1854 and addressed to his known Bruyas: "You have thirty life-size figures Is the moral and physical history of a workshop. There are all the people who serve me and involved me.I´m going to name it the first series, because I hope to pass by my studio the entire society and express my inclinations and my rejections.

Ficha de arte Asalto de ladrones (Goya).

Assault of thieves is an oil on tin, by Francisco de Goya painted in 1793 - 1794 in a small format (42 x 31 cm), coinciding with a serious illness of the painter. In the paint, the robbers assault a diligence and you can see several corpses lying on the ground.

The bandits were at the order of the day in Spain in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, with some legendary as Luis Candelas. Goya had already addressed this issue for the Duchess of Osuna (Assault the car) going back to him in the series of oil paintings on tin conducted between 1792 and 1793, during convalescence from the illness that left him deaf.

domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

Ficha de arte Teseo y el Minotauro (Canova).

Canova takes this composition to cover an order made ​​in 1781 by the Venetian ambassador in Rome, Girolamo Zulian. once finished piece would not keep her ambassador and gave it to the sculptor himself, who finished selling it for a large sum.

It was the artist who freely chose the theme of Theseus and the Minotaur.

According to the mythology Teseo, son of the Athenian king appeared, volunteer to be handed over to the Minotauro, believing that it would be able to defeat the monster, and really got to kill the beast, go out of the Labyrinth and return triumphant to Athens.

viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

Ficha de arte: Chicago school (Auditorium Building).

The Auditorium Building in Chicago is one of the best-known designs of Dankmar Adler and Louis Sullivan. Completed in 1889, the building was built at the northwest corner of South Michigan Avenue and Congress Street (now Congress Parkway). It was added to the National Register of Historic Places on April 17, 1970. It was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1975, and was designated a Chicago Landmark on September 15, 1976.

On October 5, 1887, President Grover Cleveland laid the cornerstone for the Auditorium Building. The 1888 Republican National Convention was held in a partially finished building where Benjamin Harrison was nominated as a presidential candidate. Sullivan had also opened his offices on the 16th and 17th floors of the Auditorium tower.
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra debuted on October 16, 1891
the Auditorium Theatre closed during the Great Depression. In 1941, it was taken over by the city of Chicago to be used as a World War II servicemen's center. By 1946, Roosevelt University moved into the Auditorium Building,  but the theater was not restored to its former splendor.
some ground-floor rooms and part of the theater lobby were removed to create a sidewalk
On October 31, 1967, the Auditorium Theatre reopened and through 1975, the Auditorium served as Chicago's premier rock venue.
The building was equipped with the first central air conditioning system and the theater was the first to be entirely lit by incandescent light bulbs. In 2001, a major restoration of the Auditorium Theatre was begun to return the theater to its original colors and finishes.

lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

Mariana Pineda.

(Granada [ESP] 1/9/1804 --- Granada [ESP] 26/5/1831).

Heroína española. Viuda y madre de dos hijos de corta edad, fue denunciada por haber bordado en una bandera "Ley, Libertad, Igualdad" y acusada de pertenecer a una conspiración liberal. Al negarse  a delatar a sus supuestos cómplices, Pedrosa (miembro de la Chancillería de Granada) decretó su ingreso en prisión. En medio de las protestas de la población, fue juzgada y condenada a morir a garrote vil. La sentencia se ejecutó mientras la bandera que había bordado era quemada. Pineda se convirtió pronto en heroína y mártir de la causa liberal, hasta el punto de inspirar numerosas canciones. Federico García Lorca se basó en su historia para escribir la obra teatral Mariana Pineda.

martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

La conferencia de Berlín.

Fue celebrada entre el 15 de noviembre de 1884 y el 26 de febrero de 1885 en la ciudad de Berlín, convocada por Francia y el Reino Unido y organizada por el Canciller de Alemania, Otto von Bismarck, con el fin de resolver los problemas que planteaba la expansión colonial en África y resolver su repartición.

Tras la Conferencia, sólo dos países africanos conservaron el derecho a preservar su independencia: Etiopía y Liberia
Catorce Estados fueron convocados: El Imperio alemán, el Imperio austrohúngaro, Bélgica, Dinamarca, el Imperio otomano, España, Estados Unidos, Francia, Reino Unido, Reino de Italia, Países Bajos, Portugal, el Imperio ruso y Suecia. Los Estados Unidos no llegaron a participar efectivamente en la Conferencia, la cual fue dominada por las grandes potencias europeas que ya habían manifestado interés en África (Reino Unido, Alemania, Francia) y tenían poderío suficiente para establecerse allí.

Conference in Berlin by France and the United Kingdom in which it was decided the partition of Africa (Which country belongs to each empire).

lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013

Situación laboral durante la Revolución Industrial.

Sobre todo caracterizada por la ausencia total de condiciones, garantías, seguros... que hoy son normales. No existían los contratos de trabajo, las jornadas laborales se podían extender a más doce, no había sistemas de previsión, salud ni salarios mínimos.
¿Las huelgas? Ilegales, y cuando se producían eran reprimidas con violencia. Muchos problemas, además, derivaban de la gran concentración humana que vivía en las ciudades.

Aparecieron nuevas corrientes de pensamiento, como el marxismo, el anarquismo y el socialismo.

Characterized  by the absence of conditions, warranties, insurance ... are normal today. There were no employment contracts, working hours could be extended to more than twelve.
And the strikes? Illegal, and when they occurred were violently repressed.
Appeared new currents of thought, such as Marxism, anarchism and socialism.

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013

Las mujeres y la revolución francesa.

Las mujeres participaron activamente en los acontecimientos de la Revolución y reivindicaron los mismos derechos civiles y políticos que los hombres.

  La Declaración de Derechos y la Constitución de 1791 negaron a las mujeres muchos de los derechos adquiridos por los hombres, y las convirtieron en ciudadanas pasivas. De este modo, una revolución que basaba su justificación en la igualdad natural y política de los seres humanos, negaba los derechos conquistados a la mitad de la población.

  Aunque las mujeres se beneficiaron de algunas reformas sociales (matrimonio civil, divorcio, supresión de la desigualdad frente a la herencia, etc) no consiguieron la igualdad legal, y fueron claramente excluidas de la vida política. Fue entonces cuando la voz de las mujeres comenzó a expresarse de forma colectiva a favor de la igualdad.
Claire Lacombe, actriz francesa.
Fundó un club patriótico de mujeres: la Sociedad de Republicanas Revolucionarias.

Women participated actively in the events of the Revolution.
The Bill of Rights and the Constitution of 1791 denied women many rights obtained by men, and became passive citizens.
Although women benefited from some social reforms.
They did not get legal equality, and were excluded from political life.

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013

Revolución americana.

Las trece colonias inglesas, establecidas en la costa Este de América del Norte, protagonizaron en el s.XVIII la primera insurrección colonial contra una metrópoli, y constituyeron el primer ejemplo de gobieno fundado sobre los principios de igualdad y libertad.